
The Currin Family

The Currin family came from the Isle of Man to Liverpool (West Derby).

The couple currently at the top of the Currin family tree on this site are Esther Jane Faragher – from Braddan, Isle of man and William Currin – from Douglas, Isle of man. As research develops, hopefully more ancestors will be added.

William and Esther Currin MarriageWilliam and Esther were married at Braddan in 1856 but the marriage record shows that William was already living in Liverpool. 

William and Esther Currin Marriage

William appears on the Isle of Man 1851 census so evidently he moved to Liverpool between 1851 and 1856

Other families that are connected by marriage are also listed on this site, amongst them the Honeyborne family from Thornbury in Gloucestershire.

Click or tap Family Names to see the lists of available names or use the search form to look for a specific name

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This website was established in November 2022 and is still under development, please check back for updates

Family history research never really ends so as new information is discovered it will be added to the site
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